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Ephesians 5:15 

Living to live is stupid, like going to sea, jumping into the water, being carried away by the waves and then thinking that we will get where we want. 

To live on automatic pilot is to stop enjoying the value of life that God has given us every day, to stop enjoying every detail and to be grateful, when you lose the details you stop living and you lose what really matters. 

Do you think you are wise?

So why don’t you analyze the life that you lead up to now, the behavior that you have that is increasingly leading you to be lonely and frustrated, if we let God show what our reality is, we could understand everything that we are losing and that until today we have only lived life as people who do not think with sanity but as fools who ignore advice and road signs and meet a bad end. 

Today there is an opportunity for change that you can only find in Christ, you decide … 

The bible says that the wise man sees evil and turns away but the fool follows the path. What are you going to do today? 

God always arrives JUST ON TIME 


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