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JOHN 14:1

Jesus begins His message to those who listened to Him by saying: “Do not worry, trust,” He leads us to see that the only way to overcome anguish is through trust.

Trusting is not simply believing; you can believe in God but not to trust Him. Trusting demands knowledge and this is acquired with dedication and time, we cannot trust someone we do not know.

The absence of true trust, which is given in God, leads us to make bad decisions about what the basis of our life is going to be, therefore, we choose anguish as our refuge and, in this way we allow ourselves to be affected by everything what the time of crisis brings with it.

In the end, we are the ones who decide what we are going to do, we are going to be anguished or we truly trust God.

God always arrives Just in Time

P. Eliashc

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