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How do you feel when you are presented with an opportunity or are about to make a decision that you share with someone close to you and all they do is ask you if you are sure or ready?

Sometimes that question bothers us, doesn’t it? It seems as if they are questioning us or trying to make us feel insecure but I think they ask it for a reason, even God himself when we ask and long for a miracle brings up the question are you sure you want to hear my answer or are you ready to receive the miracle?

God does not ask the question with the intention of making us doubt, but to be able to clearly appreciate what is in our heart so that we can truly enjoy His answer.

Don’t let the desperation to see the miracle make you run, learn to wait for God to do His complete work in you for His blessing wants you to enjoy it and not make it a stone that will cause you to stumble.

Think about it

God is always JUST IN TIME

P. Eliashc

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