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John 11:25

There are desperate situations, moments of pain that we never expected to live through but they presented themselves, those moments make us flee and sometimes hide behind the wall of hopelessness to the point that we stop believing.

A similar situation was experienced by Mary and Martha when they lost their brother Lazarus, they thought that Jesus did not arrive on time because when He showed up Lazarus had already died, there all the questions came to their minds until they even told Jesus: if you had been here our brother would not have died, in other words, they felt a little hurt and perhaps with their spirits down to the point of not believing again, however, Jesus tells them: He who believes in me even though he is dead will live.

People can fail you but God never fails, maybe you believed and they failed you but believe again, this time in the right person, believe in Jesus.

God always comes JUST IN TIME.

Pastor Eliashc

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