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There are situations in life that require more than talking and thinking, they require acting, and taking the next step to become Christ’s disciple is one of them.

Sometimes, we do not take the first step because we want to avoid commitments or because we do not want to bother; we rather want to continue living our life the way we have been living it  even if we complain all the time.

Jesus approached a man who apparently had everything. This man was called Levi and his name was later changed to Matthew. He was not a person loved by everyone because he was a tax collector, but Jesus did not care about his condition, he cared about his heart.

Many people will judge you and will even reject you because of what you have or do not  have, but God will always be there to love you and remind you that you have a  place within his purpose.

Today you can remain in the excuse that you believe in God and it is as far as you will go; or go beyond, want more, and follow him and be his disciple. Are you willing? Because God is calling you today…

God always arrives JUST IN TIME

P. Eliashc

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