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Jeremiah 18: 1-5 

What value would a glass have to drink water if it had a hole inside? None right? 

The first thing we would do is to void it because as it says out there: «what is not useful is voided» we do not see sense in keeping it when it is not useful, in the same way we see life and others, those we reject because we think they are not useful, we judge quickly and we are also judged, in the end, we feel broken and empty. 

The world makes us think that there is no hope but God says otherwise, that is why he tells Jeremiah: come down and I will show you; There Jeremiah saw that the potter worked with the clay and at one point, the pot he was making was spoiled, but at the same moment he did not discard it, he made it again even more, now better than before. 

So, God wants to work on you but you make the decision, believe or let yourself be carried away by what the world says. 

Remember that today while there is life, there is hope. 

God always arrives JUST ON TIME 


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