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DEUTERONOMY 8:1-2 and verses 10 to 19 

Have you ever been told to do something and then reminded more than twice of an important detail that you want you to do? Or maybe you have done it, you have asked someone a favor and then you report several times: «but don’t forget …» 

And most likely, if they did not pay attention to you, they will end up forgetting it. 

I think history repeats itself constantly precisely because we miss or forget what was really important to remember. 

In this Biblical text, God emphasizes certain points that the people of Israel should remember in order not to deviate and fall into temptation. They received it but did not experience it with great consequences. Has it happened to you? 

Today God wants you to remember where he got you from and that everything you have is from him and it is only by his grace, that is why the apostle Paul always said and I believe that this phrase constantly reminded him that it is only about God and not of him, the phrase is the following: «by grace I am what I am» 

What should we remember today? You know it… 

God always arrives JUST ON TIME


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