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Psalms 42:1-5 NLT

Dying does not mean to stop existing. It is a mistake to think that taking your life means you will stop suffering. Although physically we do stop suffering, our soul will just begin a journey of eternal suffering

God put eternity in man. This physical body is simply a transport that, when it dies, returns to dust; but our soul continues living and the question is, “where?”

 When you allow God to live in your heart you discover there is life, salvation, and purpose in this life and there is also an eternity.

David experienced loneliness, betrayal, pain, and lack of sleep. He could not sleep because he was so burdened that the only thing he did was cry and remember. There are times when we think that this “bitter drink” that life gave us will be forever and thoughts about dying cross our mind. DO NOT fall in the game of the evil one! If you are alive, there is hope and God is willing to help you to experience that true life of abundance.

Yes, perhaps life has not been pleasant for you, you have suffered a lot; but today there is a God reminding you that he created you, that he loves you, and that in his hands you will regain meaning and life.

HE can lift you up and teach you which is the best path, but today, you are the one who makes the decision…

The only thing you must do is ask him to come into your heart, that you need him to be your Father, and that he shows you his truth. Allow Jesus to live in you.

God always arrives JUST IN TIME


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