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Psalms 40:1-3

Have you ever experienced desperation?

Those moments where you say: “Everything it’s all over, there’s nothing else that I ca do!” I think we all have gone through this and it is something harsh and complicated, isn’t it?

You have to tackle moments like this, since you cannot avoid them, but if you tackle them the way God wants you to, you will be victorious.

Desperation is to lose your patience and tranquility over situations that we consider beyond repair and feel impotent because we cannot succeed. Also, it is considered, in the most critical case, as the loss of hope.

In the Bible, we find a man who experienced this and wrote Psalm 40.

He was at the edge of a cliff so much that he saw his hope non-existent and he compared himself to a man in a deep well with his feet stuck in the mud.

He learned that only God could bring a solution, but first he learned to cry out and look up to heaven to be rescued, rather than complaining.

If you do not ask for help, how can you be heard?

The worst thing you can do is to remain silent.

Cry out to God first and then walk with people of faith.

When you learn to remain calm you will listen to God talking to you and lifting you up.

God always arrives JUST IN TIME 

P. Eliashc

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