Isaiah 1:18

When you take the initiative to forgive and take the first step, you will find opposition, do not resist taking the first step, remember that a great blessing is waiting for you from God.

Why many times we do not take the first step to solve the conflict?

  • Out of pride, we are always on the defensive considering that someone else made the mistake and not us. “Pride leads to conflicts; those who follow advice are wise.”

Proverbs 13:10

It may be due to fear of confrontation, we want to avoid “inconveniences”. The Bible teaches that God has not given us a spirit of cowardice but of power, love, and self- control. Because we do not want to be injured in the conflict. We are afraid of being rejected if we take that first step.

Where do I find the courage, the strength to take the initiative and take the first step towards reconciliation?

In the relationship and communion with the Holy Spirit. As you advance in your relationship with Him, you will be saturated with His love which casts out all fear. If you fill yourself with God, fear goes away.

Remember that you are not alone in the process, God is with you, do not resist being free and letting go.

God always comes JUST ON TIME



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