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Romans 12: 2 

They always say that the one who walks with the honey, something sticks to him, I think a great truth, the more I spend time with someone, the more likely it is that I end up imitating the behaviors of that person, in something I will seem. It is also true that those people with whom he did not spend time tend to forget who they were, this is interesting because that is how it happens with God, the more time I spend accommodating myself and pleasing the world, the more I forget what God and heaven are like. 

When I forget about God I am more prone to react to life’s adversities in the wrong ways, when I spend more time with God, I discover his purpose and walk with him in blessing. 

How are you living life today? Loving the world will make me forget my first love with God. 

God always arrives JUST ON TIME 


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