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1 Peter 4:10 

I do not know if it has happened to you that when you buy an appliance and keep it for a long time, after you are going to use it because you already need it, you realize that it is damaged? 

And you say: why is it was damaged if I have not used it. 

It is there when we understand that leaving something saved to preserve could be worse, because what is not used is damaged because that is what it was designed for, to be used. 

Did you know that God has given you gifts and talents to use to bless the lives of others? 

Of course, God wanted you with a purpose and for that purpose to be carried out, he gave you gifts. 

The word you just read tells us about the manifold grace of God, let’s put it this way: God’s grace has many forms and he has given us the blessing of being stewards of one of those forms of his grace, so we cannot leave it , bury the it or abandon it, He loves you and gives it to you to manage what comes from Him, you must understand that His Grace gives us his support and the strength to do and achieve what in our own strength we could not. 

Do not abandon what the Lord gave you. 

God always arrives JUST ON TIME 
