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2 Timothy 2: 3-7
Getting out of focus is easy, staying on course is the tricky thing.
How many distractions do we have today that seem like good options, however, just because they seem does not mean that they are the right ones.
How unfocused we go through life, some leave the family to experiment with a woman or man outside of marriage, how many leave their business for a job, how many times we get the excuse: this is temporary, meanwhile and that meanwhile, it is comes back in a while always.
This is how it happens with God too; we look at each blessing received to the point of stopping looking at the owner of everything and getting lost in what perishes.
Paul’s advice to Timothy was not to lose what he was taught for nothing, not to get out of focus but to stay.
Where are you looking today?
Where is your hope set?
Be careful what appears to be good, you may lose your way.
God always arrives JUST ON TIME
P. Eliashc
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