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The most usual mistakes we make happen because we listen to incorrect individuals. Have you ever analyzed the people you hang out with?
Do you think about each word you listened to from those you call your friends and meditate on it?
Look what the Bible says:
“Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character’”
Everything you lend your ears will be planted in your heart and it will give fruit whether is good or bad and it will be shown by the way you deal with life. What is it that you listen to and from whom? Weed looks like wheat but is not weed, do you understand me?
Not everyone who approaches you come with good intentions and are of good influence on your behavior.
Do not allow the good which has been planted in you get lost because you mingle with those who do not benefit you at all, but sink you more and more instead.
It’s up to you who you will allow to be around you and be your counselors.
God always arrives JUST IN TIME.
P. Eliashc
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