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James 4: 1-3 

The deadliest virus in history has always been inside man, it is called sin and it is in his heart. Today we see the devastating effect on the streets of how this virus has generated more deaths than yellow fever and coronavirus, man rising up against women, children against parents, brother against brother, women killing their children from the womb, men devising biological weapons in order to end himself, in short, we have become insensitive, we only have bitterness, frustration, envy and a pride that makes us only think of ourselves. 

The evil in the heart of man wreaks more havoc in an hour than the coronavirus and yet we continue to move further and further away from God, condemning ourselves. 

Man’s heart separated from God is only wicked and deceitful. 

Today more than ever, we need to turn our hearts to God; otherwise, even though we think we are fine, the problem will become noticeable when we see the consequences. 

Today do not harden your heart and turn to God. 

God always arrives JUST ON TIME 


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