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Philippians 2:1-5

Today I want to remind you the importance of taking the time to evaluate ourselves, to be able through God’s help evaluate the manner in which we have lived our life each day to see what we need to release, forgive, and change.

From prison the apostle Paul throws some questions with the sole purpose of leading us to reflect on our attitudes and what is really in our heart, teaching us that each moment is important to reflect no matter what situation we find ourselves in.

Introspection is the capacity to “look inside” and evaluate ourselves so changes can occur in our way of living.

Sometimes, we only complain about the situation. Imagine being in jail, we would spend our time complaining all the time, and even more so if we are there for something we did not do.

Nevertheless, Paul has another attitude, he knows that being there is still a gain and is part of God’s plan; hence, he takes advantage of those chains to encourage others to find God’s purpose for their lives which will make them joyful.

Do not let time pass by, take advantage of it, enter into prayer, and let God show you what you need to see to change, joy and peace are there.

God always arrives JUST IN TIME