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Joshua 1:1-6

Today’s words are, usually, not easy to write, neither easy to hear. Nobody prepares himself for complicated situations. As a rule, we expect good things to happen to us, but when this does not happen, questions rain in our mind.

Perhaps you are one of those individuals who has waved farewell to someone in death, had to say “see you later” because he left this world to be with the Lord. This is something complicated, you could be feeling an emptiness in your life and think that it is better to give up.

Life goes on! It sounds strong but I must tell you. You must get up and strengthen yourself in God. Joshua was a young man who had learned to lead next to his friend Moses. He never prepared himself to think that the day would arrive in which Moses would not be there anymore, and when that day arrived, Joshua cried and perhaps he got discouraged until God told him: “It is time to get up because it is now your turn to continue with the work!.”

Today God tells you: “Get up and be courageous, now is your turn to continue this race. Have confidence and move forward! Life goes on…”

God always arrives JUST IN TIME. 

P. Eliashc

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