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Numbers 13:32-33

When you give up in your mind, you have already lost in your doing. There are persons that have not started a project and they are already defeated. Every opportunity God presents to them they let it go. All the time they are making excuses behind their comfort zone and they always keep in mind those phrases of defeat and pity to try to justify themselves.

Some of those phrases are: “Better to ride the rapids than face the hives.” Another one is: “At least.” This is what I call “having a lobster’s mind,” to complain all the time, always looking for excuses not to get out of my comfort zone; always being dissatisfied but never doing anything about it, remaining fearful, forgetting the position we have in Christ.

When we find ourselves thinking in this manner, we should allow God to renew our thoughts and allow his thoughts to rule ours so we may walk in his purpose and victory.

God always arrives JUST IN TIME


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