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Job 11:13-18

Have you ever ran into an old friend or a relative whom you have not seen in a long time and you sit down to chat with this person and reminiscence about all the mischief you got yourself into together and begin to smile?  

However, at a certain point as you reminiscence, those experiences that you tried to deny or forget appear and the only thing you can say is: “I don’t want to talk about it.” You run away from the topic because you realize that pain still is there, a wound that is screaming to be healed because it is stealing your life.

Memories are part of life through which we can learn and realize that in the midst of everything, God was always there keeping you and sustaining you. If your memories only bring you pain today, then you need to heal, and God is willing to do it in you…

God always arrives JUST IN TIME

P. Eliashc

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