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1 Samuel 18:6-8

Each season of life brings teachings and processes that will forge Christ character in your life so that you can see from God’s perspective, to learn how to face them is wise and is only achieved with the lord’s help.

The time came when David would be enjoying the victory he achieved by killing the giant Goliath and now he was living in the palace ready to become the king’s son-in-law, it seemed that everything was fine but this was not the time God had chosen for David yet, remember that God’s purpose for his life was for him to become the king but he should first be confronted by a king, That king was Saul, a disobedient and selfish man who tried to murder him, was not fair with David, and damaged his testimony.

In this station we will no longer be confronted with a giant but with that destiny God has chosen for us in which your heart will be tested and forged into a heart like God’s.

You may live injustices, but God will teach you to be wise, to depend on Him completely, and to be patient.

You will learn to dodge the spears sent to you in life, and you will know that this is a time to dodge instead of defending, to learn to be under authority even if it being unfair to you, you will learn to be still as long as it is wise and then to know whenever the time to move forward has come.

Welcome to Saul Station where God will end Saul’s influences in your life to make your heart like God’s heart.

God always arrives JUST IN TIME


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