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John 9: 1

Everything we do is part of the way we see, our feet will always walk where our eyes point, but what if we don’t see?

Where would we walk then?

When I talk to you about walking I am referring to the way we live life and when I talk to you about seeing I mean the way we interpret it. Each person has a different perspective and therefore, we express life in different ways, however, we all lack the truth, from the correct view because how we live is also subject to what we were taught by the system since childhood, we believe in things we consider good, but how good are they?

The Bible says that what is bad is called good and what is good is called bad, so we can say that we lack true vision.

Vision does not refer only to the physical but spiritual context, that is, to have a correct understanding of the design of life from the perspective of the one who designed it, of God.

This biblical text read mentions a man born blind who we can compare with a humanity that was spiritually born blind, without a correct vision of the original purpose and design of God.

Only in God can we see correctly and live for what we were born …

Are you really seeing life as it is?

God always comes RIGHT ON TIME


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