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2 KINGS 2: 7-9

Everything has a beginning and must have a final destination, nothing is left midway unless we make decisions where we leave things unfinished, but when it comes to God, what He begins, He will always finish.

I want to start this new series where I will try to explain to you what it is like to walk in Christ, I want to show you some necessary seasons of life where we are going to be led by God, each of them has a learning time and a preparation for the next one, so do not stop listening.

I want to start with a question from God: what do you want me to do for you? Think about it before answering. Elishah received this question and knew how to answer, he knew that the answer would come from God but he also knew that he had to live processes that would bring preparation for his life.

Join me on this journey and let’s learn together that the answer comes but first we need to be ready to go to the other side which represents that place, God’s specific moment for His answer.

God always arrives JUST ON TIME


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