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Genesis 37:1-5 NIV

Imagine if dreaming had a price, how we would live, only those with money could do it, now, unfortunately what does not cost us we value little and more when it is something that we do not consider as tangible because of what the reality that we live shows us.

We get used to pay for everything, to put a price on it and when something is given to us as a gift we think it is not important, the same thing happens to us when we dream or have a vision, a dream reveals an idea that God placed within us and has given us from his word so that it can be activated and we can carry it out knowing that if we are in Him it can be realised.

God placed a dream in Joseph, a promise that would be fulfilled in his time, God showed Joseph his future, what he did not show him was the process he would have to go through in order to get to where God wanted to take him.

Nobody said it would be easy, but God promised to always be there, his eyes will never stop looking at your life, maybe you say that what you are living today is not what you expected but it is part of the process. Yes, dreaming does not cost, that is why it is a gift from God so that you can believe and experience that in Him, what is impossible for others, will become a reality.

You will always find people who will only criticize, try to kill your faith, try to steal your hope, people who gave up and want you to do the same, but in the end you make the decision: Do you decide to let God direct your life and take you to that destiny or do you want to give up and become one more?

Every minute that passes is an opportunity lost, what do you decide today?


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