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Luke 7: 36-50 

Having our life in order is essential to be blessed by God and within that order it is important to know what is really important, what is a priority and what is not, so as not to lose focus and not deviate. 

Jesus said it this way: Wherever your treasure is, there your heart will be, that is, what you consider to be the priority in your life, as the most important thing, there your heart will be focused and you will live based on it. 

I ask again: What is the most important thing for you today? 

Perhaps some will answer me that it is God, others will tell me that the family and others may tell me other things, however, even if we say it, our actions totally demonstrate the opposite.

For example: If God was the most important thing, then why don’t you have a daily relationship and communion with Him? 

If your family were the most important thing, then why do you spend most of your time in other occupations and not with yours?

It is necessary to evaluate where we are focusing our heart. 

The bible advises us that first in our life it should be God and then the family. 

It is essential that God occupies the first place so that he is the foundation on which we build our house. 

Always think about this, the family is a gift from God that demands great importance, if your priorities are other things, it may go well for you but something will always be needed, what is the use of being successful and having what you want when the only thing you don’t?

You can have a family by your side, then you will live sad and empty because in the end, no one will be there for you. 

Today you have a new opportunity to reflect and give order to your life, God is willing to help, 

He always arrives JUST ON TIME. 


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