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Ecclesiastes 1:1-2 N.L.T

What is the meaning of life and everything we do? It is a very good question, precisely what King Solomon tries to express in this book of Ecclesiastes, indeed, he comes to a conclusion, a statement at the beginning of the book: nothing makes sense.

In part this is a great truth, and I say in part because the only way to find the true taste of life is to return to the one who designed it, that is, to God.

A relationship with God is what really gives us the ability to understand why we are on this earth and do what we do, apart from God we can do nothing.

We can never enjoy true life without God. Many stop enjoying and miss the small joys waiting for the great happiness to come, we have not understood that it is the small details that God gives us every day where the blessing is.

And you, what are you waiting for today? God is at the door and you just have to open your heart to Him.

God is always just in time.


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