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They always taught us that crying was only for girls, that men don’t cry and that it was synonymous with weakness. Jesus did not teach it that way, on the contrary, he made something very clear: happy, blessed, joyful are those who mourn because they will receive consolation.
Avoiding feeling pain is impossible for the human being, denying the existence of pain is simply repressing it and reacting badly all the time against other people, seeking to express in one way or another the pain that we carry inside.
Never think that the pain you carry inside is bad, on the contrary, understand that it only wants to lead you to return to God where the true consolation is.
A person who has received the consolation of God is free, has peace and joy and knows how to live life, that is why Jesus described them in this way: they are blessed.
Do not hide that pain anymore, it is necessary to go through the valley of tears but always remember, the only consolation you need is that which comes from God.
God always arrives JUST ON TIME
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