PSALMS 127: 1

The family is one of the strengths and greatest blessings received from God, if our family is structured under the authority of God, our home will be that unbreakable wall under any circumstance.

The union of our home must be the purpose of each of its members, our second resource when despair, calm, fear comes into our lives must be our home.

Let us remember that by being faithful to God we will always be sheltered by his protection, his care and his protection, the bible teaches us in Psalm 121 that God is the only one who can keep our family, because our help comes from Jehovah who made the heavens and the earth, what joy we feel knowing that God is sovereign and all powerful, who cares for us, who loves us immensely and is extremely blessed to have him as the center and foundation of our family, recognizing his greatness and sovereignty.

God wants union, love, harmony to prevail in our family and for this reason he taught us through the example of Joseph and Mary, parents of the son of God (Jesus Christ), they are that family model that we must follow, even in adversity, even in the unimaginable circumstances they remained united, they obeyed at all times what was commanded by God. Today is a day to strengthen our family union.



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