Luke 7: 11-14

I think there are moments of moments in life, certain situations that you wish would never happen, we thought that it would be good to lie down to sleep to wake up and see everything as it was before, but it doesn’t happen like that …

The dynamics of life bring us challenges and situations that hurt, some others happy but how difficult it is to remember what is happy when you have to face the opposite. 

Jesus said, there are things that we will have to face because they are part of life but he promised to be there with us to help us, strengthen us. 

Nothing of what happened we can change, nothing of what will come we can know, but we can enjoy what we live today and even more so when it is God who guides us. 

Perhaps you will feel identified with the situation that the woman in this story was going through and with her son, just as her opportunity came, for you there is life today too … 

God is life and He always arrives JUST IN TIME 

P. Eliashc

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