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Matthew 6:31-34

What does it mean to you to truly live?

To have much or little, to not owe anything to anyone, to have a good job, etc.? You might name many of these characteristics, which it is ok, but they are not everything!

Jesus once drew the disciples’ attention as they were becoming more concerned with the material things that come and go and lose their validity than with the eternal.  He talked to them about what it is really important: “The Kingdom of God and Its Righteousness” which is the eternal that brings as a consequence the appearance of extra things, but it is not the other way around.

Now a days, the message has been changed and it is leading us more to nourish a faith that seeks response in extra things than in the eternal, but God as a Father always knows what extra things we need.

We must re-communicate what the Gospel is truly about: It is not about getting a car, a house, or obtaining a scholarship; rather, the Gospel is a life transformation…

Let me ask you: “Was the apostle Paul a successful man?

Perhaps, according to the world standards, he was not; but according to God standards, he was!!  

Life is more than food and drink!!

God always arrives JUST IN TIME


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