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Genesis 25:29-34

This story repeats itself over and over each day when we do not value what we have and we are always thinking about what we could have.

There is a popular saying that contains great truth: “No one values what they have until they lose it.”

Let me tell you that life changes and what you despised today you will need tomorrow.

As a rule, we make the mistake of thinking that everything lasts forever, but this is a mistake.

Do not wait to lose everything to cry and be regretful because, perhaps, it will be too late.

This happened to these two brothers. Esau did not value his birthright, consequently, he exchanged it for a little bit of food.

What are you throwing overboard today? Be careful, because the Bible says that, although he cried for what he had given up, he could not get it back.

While there is life there is hope.

Do not despise the blessing you already have at home and in your hand.

God always arrives JUST IN TIME 

P. Eliashc