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Each time he said to me: «My grace is all you need; my power works best in weakness ». So now I am happy to brag about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.

2 Corinthians 12: 9 NTV

His grace is all we need today, the weakness in you does not represent that you are already finished, on the contrary, it is a sign that our forces are limited, our will is broken and that we cannot be in control of everything, it is only this way can we recognize that we need someone greater than us, that someone is God.

God needs you to realize how weak you are, not embarrassment, on the contrary, it is only when you recognize your weakness that you can see his power to act on you.

Separated from God we can do nothing, every time life situations remind you how weak you are, also remember that this weakness is necessary for God’s grace to operate and show you his glory.

I assure you today, that what God does will always be better than what you had thought to do.

Enjoy his grace today, get up and let that wonderful grace be enough for you.

God always comes RIGHT ON TIME
P. Eliashc

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