Psalms 1: 1-4

Do not focus on what you do or how you do it, focus on what you are and what you do will be correct. What we are is called character, unfortunately it is what we least allow God to work in us.

You have to form character in people and your doing will be the result what was formed in them.

Skills are taught but character is formed. Forming costs and requires commitment, being willing to be prosecuted and considering not leaving everything behind.

If I asked you: what do I need to do to be a good musician? What would be the answer?

Some would say: study, discipline, wanting the instrument, passion, etc., but few perhaps nobody would say character. The correct answer would be: change the word do to BE within the question…

As a church we often focus on teaching people skills and fail in the urgent and most important, building character.

What you are determines how you think and the result is actions.

God always comes RIGHT ON TIME

P. Eliashc


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