Proverbs 24:16

Fear paralyzes us and makes us make poor decisions. Fear is an enemy of advancement and is the product of lack of security and trust. We do not trust because we do not know God, and we do not know him because we do not dedicate time and space to know him.

This applies to our relationship with God. Lack of knowing what he is has led us to have misconceptions about how to live, one of them is that if we fail, we will be condemned and not forgiven, something that the Bible does not teach. What it teaches is that if we fail, we have an advocate, the Father who is Christ.  

We need to stop living a religion and dedicate ourselves to having a relationship with God and understand that it is human to make mistakes, but it belongs to God to help us get up and move forward. If you are in God, you will live constant processes to grow, and within them, you will make mistakes sometimes, but remember that God is there to lift you up, forgive you, and push you forward.

Thus, the Bible says: “The righteous shall fall 7 times, and they shall rise from them all…”

Not on your own strength, but because God is perfected in your weakness.

Do not be afraid to fail. People will talk about you whether you fail or not, consider what God thinks of you, which is what is important…

God always arrives JUST IN TIME

P. Eliashc


WHENEVER-YOU-FALL-GOD-WILL-LIFT-YOU-UP.mp3 – Descargado 0 veces – 9,16 MB


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