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The most common mistakes we make are because we listen to the wrong people. Have you ever started to analyze the people you are surrounding yourself with? 

Do you think and meditate on every word you hear from those you call friends? 

Look at what the bible says: 

Do not be fooled! The saying goes well, that «Bad friendships spoil good habits.»

1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV 

Everything for which you lend your ears will be sown in your heart and it will bear fruit, good or bad, which will be noticed in the way we face life. What do you listen to and to whom? 

The tares resemble wheat but it is not wheat, do you understand me? 

Not everyone who approaches you comes with good intentions and is a good influence on your behavior. 

Do not let the good that was sown in you be lost by being with those who do not benefit you at all, only unite you more and more. 

It is up to you who you are going to let be your advisers and surround you. 

God always comes RIGHT ON TIME 

P. Eliashc 

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