PSALMS 27: 1-2 

Today we have a strong enemy that has risen more than ever, that enemy is fear. 

They say that we are the result of what we eat and I believe that it is so, if what we receive most daily is bad news, little by little the faith we have is going to be affected and the fear of taking its place will begin, bringing uncertainty and all kind of evil. 

If you feed on God and his word, you will grow faith and this will make you remain firm and constant in life, but if you let fear rule your life you will not be able to move forward because you will become paralyzed. 

David understood that without God he could not do anything, therefore he clung and saw his support in every difficult moment of life, always in the Lord, we walk in sure victory. 

God always arrives JUST ON TIME 

P. Eliashc 


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