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Acts 7: 54-60

We all go through hard times in life, no one can say that they have been exempt from suffering, nor can we say that we are the only ones and that therefore no one understands us, NO, it is not like that.

Conflicts, problems, crises are part of life, as well as good moments, we must learn to face them and understand that in the middle of all those times God has a wonderful plan.

No one can enjoy true consolation except in tears or suffering, we cannot experience true peace if we have never experienced a strong conflict, in the same way we cannot really know the love of God if we do not see a need for Him.

Today’s story tells of a young man named Esteban who is stoned to death for no reason, because he always did good and his life had been dedicated to serving others. Do you consider that what you are experiencing is unfair?

Maybe you are not the only one, ask Esteban, however, despite all that he suffered, he ended up saying with a prayer and his eyes fixed on heaven: «Lord, forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing», that is to have a true peace and love.

Do not let yourself be overcome thinking that you are the only one who suffers and then hide yourself in the expression: poor you, on the contrary: get up in the name of Jesus and move forward because this bitter time will pass and better times will come.

God always arrives JUST ON TIME

Pastor Eliashc

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