Luke 22:42

How many times do we regret situations that have happened which at some point we could have avoided, and more pain it gives us, when it comes to our own family and even more so when we know about our children.

Sometimes we carry those blames because at some point we weren’t wise enough and left them unprepared to choose what they wanted, simply because we thought that was loving them but what great harm we were doing to them.

This can also happen in what we do, by letting go of certain things, today we are experiencing consequences.

Today, we could ask ourselves the following question: what would have happened if I had said NO? Knowing how to use that little word would have saved us so much trouble today.

A NO can save a life, stop thinking that it is something negative, stop saying YES to everything, think about the consequences you can avoid on your children and your whole house.

God many times brings as answer to our requests a NO and that NO although we do not understand it at the moment, it becomes the best answer that we have been able to receive from God, when time passes we say: “now I do understand” because at that moment God had to tell me NO.

Today you can let things happen to your children and ignore them in your house, say YES to everything simply to feel good with those in your house and pass the bitter of guilt that you carry inside, or simply believe that God has forgiven and given a new opportunity to do the right thing and discipline, correct, love in the right way even when you have to say NO and that does not cause pain but tomorrow will bring peace and abundance.

God always comes RIGHT ON TIME

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