Luke 18: 35-43

How many times have we thought that we were born to suffer? Or that there are things that we definitely do not deserve, we think that we are in this world to survive. But what if I told you that you were not created by God for that?

Life is more than survival, Jesus said that in him we would have abundant life, this abundance does not mean absence of problems and adversities but the conviction that in Christ victory is already given over all difficulties.

This text tells us about a man who suffered from being blind, every day he was by the road begging considering perhaps that this was the way his life had to end, until he heard that Jesus was passing by and then he made the decision to get up and cry out to Jesus as their only hope of life.

Today perhaps, you find yourself as the person in this story: without strength, without vision, looking in others for acceptance, to be loved and approved, something that you have not been able to find or receive, but today Jesus comes to you to return the dignity that only God can give you and that in the world you can never find.

Decide: you stay the same as always and you only complain about the world for the hardness with which it treats you or open your heart so that God dwells in it and gives you a new life.

God always comes RIGHT ON TIME

P. Eliashc


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