Proverbs 16:32 

The Bible teaches us that God has given us power, love and self-control, important attributes to enjoy the life He gives us to have peace. There is nothing like having peace from within, can you imagine how many headaches would you avoid if we took self-control into account? 

That is why proverbs gives us a clear idea of ​​the blessing of not allowing ourselves to be provoked and our peace stolen, not giving way to anger and avoiding being carried away by emotion, tells us that it is better to have self-control than to conquer a city and also adds in a few verses later that if you pay bad for good the bad will never leave your home (Proverbs 17:13) 

Do not be provoked, do not start a fight, learn to stop in the necessary time and let God’s love and his peace surround you so that in every difficult and troubled moment you can react with prudence, wisdom and self-control. 

Learn to listen first, do not rush to respond, have patience and rest to always make the right decision. 

Proverbs 29:22 says that the angry person always starts fights, the one who loses his temper easily commits all kinds of sins. 

From a fight you can win a friend or raise many enemies. 

God always arrives JUST TO TIME 

Pastor Eliashc


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