Isaiah 43:18-19 

Learning to appreciate the blessing of getting up every day, opening our eyes and breathing is of vital importance, being grateful makes us expect that just as the miracle of life happens today, the other things we need will soon arrive, because God himself  gives us life, it provides for what we need in itself. 

Never stop being surprised by what God does, we think that the greatest miracle is the one we are waiting for and we do not understand that it is not, the greatest miracle is that of life and  what you hope is the result of that miracle that God gives you today expressing his love and mercy. 

So, God wants today to sponsor those who want to start over, there is always a new beginning in Him, the question is if you are willing to do it and if your answer is yes, here are 4 important points to have in mind: 

1- It is important to accept responsibility for the deviations that we take in the past, that the failure that we may experience was not the fault of others, we are responsible. Living in life looking for responsibility and escaping ourselves from that responsibility is an act of cowardice and foolishness, you will never be able to move forward. 

2- Stop regretting what happened and make the decision to have true regret, not remorse. Blaming yourself and crying all the time will not make the days go back, choose to change that old way of thinking and accept being led by God in the new one he has for you. 

 3- Focus on what is coming, stop walking looking back, it will not be much progress and you may even stop on the way. That you only look back in a few moments to remember the teaching that God left you in that situation and the opportunity you have today. 

4- Trust in God, trust is to let Him direct your life so that only you take charge of obeying. 

God has never promised that there will be no deserts or drylands, what he has promised is to open new roads where there are none and rivers where there was no water… 

God always arrives JUST ON TIME 



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