Luke 5: 17-25 

It is easy to give up in the face of adversity and not only that, but also to resign ourselves and accommodate ourselves to what life or the world has designed for us, but that is not what the Father wants for us. 

There is always an opportunity, a different way of doing things, but we can only see it connected to the heart of God, if we cancel it from the daily decisions of life, we will most likely fail again and again. 

We find it hard to believe but it is like that, apart from God we can do nothing. 

This story shows a man who may have resigned himself to his physical situation, however, he was surrounded by friends of faith who challenged him and in an unusual way managed to be in front of Jesus to receive healing. 

There is always an opportunity, you must surround yourself with people of faith and hold tightly to the Lord, He will show you that there is a way. 

God always arrives JUST ON TIME 



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