Judges 11:1-3 N.L.T

Do I live or do I exist? It is an interesting question, to live is not just to occupy a space on earth and breathe, that is to exist, life represents much more and has written in it the word purpose which shows us the intention for which we were created by God.

I want to tell you about JEFTE, a young man who at some point in his life wanted to be a rebel without a cause, one more of the bunch who call themselves those who have nothing to lose, he let himself be affected by the world, his past marked and a present condemned by his half brothers who considered him worthless, the bible begins his story mentioning that he was a strong and courageous young man but he went astray.

The world will lead you astray from God’s plan but God will never change what He intends for you, you can either stay lost today or make a stop and return to God’s plan.

God always comes JUST IN TIME

P. Eliashc

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