Philippians 3:12-14

Our feet will always walk toward where our feet are pointing at. Pretending to advance in life with our gaze pointing backwards is dangerous, it is likely you will end up falling time and time again. Perhaps it is what is happening to you today.

We need to learn how to live whatever the situation may be by learning to release what happened and arising today.

The apostle Paul, although he was in jail, knew how to trust the Lord and understood

that, although he was not where he wanted to be at, he was there for a purpose and he would take advantage of that time to live it. Therefore, his advice was: “I concentrate on what is ahead, so I give up what it is left behind.”

Today, we need to evaluate where our eyes see and what we need to release to advance, because although you are not in a physical jail, perhaps, the jail you are living in today, may be spiritual.

God wants to set you free; it is up to you.

God always arrives JUST IN TIME


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