John 8:31-34 ESV

Today, human beings need to understand that they live under slavery, a slavery that it is not physical, but spiritual. It must be understood that there is a real spiritual world. The greatest bondage to slavery is called sin and it triggers death, affliction, and much more.

Today, I will be able to lead you in prayer so that you may confess that Jesus is your Lord and that He is the only one who can free you from illness and sin.

There are curses, illnesses, bondages of which you need to be free; incoming legacies that are marking your life, so you need to be released.

They can be happening today, but you need to believe. You need to recognize Christ as your Lord and Savior. You need to grow in God’s word so you need a place where you can congregate and grow. You need to remain in God and follow him, moving from being simply a believer to being a disciple.

Do not take this prayer as superstition, remember that your faithful believe in Christ, make Him work in you. What you receive today is only because of his grace.  

God always arrives JUST IN TIME 

P. Eliashc 


PRAYER-TO-BE-FREE-FROM-ALL-WORK-OF-DARKNESS.mp3 – Descargado 0 veces – 14,97 MB

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