The human being is the result of what it is in his heart. To understand it more clearly, we can say that what we think, talk, and do is the result of what it is in our heart, therefore, it is necessary to be able to first recognize what it is inside of us during each process of our life so we can then proceed to change it with God’s help.

The Bible teaches us that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks; likewise, Jesus himself explained that the result of our actions has to do with what we have inside rather than what we have outside.

“The heart is deceitful above all things and extremely perverse. Who does really know how bad it is?”

Jeremiah 17:9 NTV

That is right, man’s heart is full of faults, mistakes, and life experiences that were sown in it and now takes its toll on us. The worse advise I can give you today is to do what your heart dictates, because just as we had just read, chances are that you do not want to change, and you will continue looking for guilty parties around you.

All you need to do today is take the first step and recognize what is your condition, where are you at in life, and advance toward what God has prepared for you.

God always arrives JUST IN TIME



RECOGNIZING-MY-CONDITION.mp3 – Descargado 0 veces – 9,30 MB

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