Numbers 12: 1-4 

A smokescreen is the term we use when we want to distract or divert someone’s attention from something or an issue, when we want others not to notice what we are doing and not judge us. 

This was what Miriam, Moses’ sister did by using Moses’ wife as an excuse to attack and criticize him, she did not find something wrong with Moses but Miriam’s real problem was not Moses’ wife, that was the curtain of smoke, his problem was the envy and pride that was in his heart to want to be more than Moses. 

many times we make smoke screens using excuses simply not to evaluate the real problem, we go around so much to avoid what we should pay attention to. 

We must learn to examine our hearts and know if each claim we make or advice we give, is made with the right intention or simply the «constructive» criticism we use is to attack rather than to edify because our heart is hurting. 

What’s in our heart

God always arrives JUST ON TIME.


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