Romans 9: 30-32 

Imagine that you have a big project that you want to carry out, you want to build and you buy a good piece of land to do it, you have the resources you need according to your budget and you start the work, but, at the end of the first day, you realize what there is. a large stone in the center of the place that you got, it is a large rock, some give you the advice to use it, but you don’t want to because once that large stone ruins your design, your plans. The next day the first thing you do is hire more staff and invest in everything you need to remove it, your arrogance makes you make wrong decisions, you spend the initial budget and waste time to reach the conclusion that you will not be able to remove that rock from that place You might think that the great stone appeared to ruin your plans or realize that it is there to bless your life, but your pride does not let you think that way. 

What if the rock could be the base you use to build on? 

Do you know what happens to us in life? The Bible tells us that those who know the law at the time of Jesus wanted to do everything in their own way, they were stubborn and had their own conclusions about life, this led them to many failures because they did not believe in Jesus and for them it was that great stone on the road. 

We go through life thinking that we are right and we want to continue doing things our way and we choose to despise Jesus. 

The Bible teaches us that Jesus is the rock, that great stone that God sent for our good, however, we do not choose to build on it, but we look for a way to avoid it to always end badly. 

Do you want to stumble over the rock over and over again or do you want to build on it? 

You decide today 

God always arrives JUST ON TIME 



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