Habakkuk 2: 1-3 

Seeing is physically important to be able to direct our steps well, now, seeing beyond what we consider reality will make us walk safe and directed. 

Talking about Vision is not referring to imagination, imagination lacks truth, instead, vision is seeing clearly what God has determined for you and what is in his purpose for your life.

We receive the true vision connected to the source which is God, it makes you keep focused on the goal so as not to be distracted or argue about points or events that we do not understand why we know that only by faith we stand on the One who gave us the promise. 

Many times we get distracted and delay the processes of God in us, because we do not trust and we are not clear about that vision, we live testing what the world places before us and in the end we realize that it was not the right thing to do. 

God gave a very important advice to the prophet Habakkuk: wait patiently for what I have told you, the vision is given but the fulfillment, even if it takes time, believe it will happen, therefore, write it down and learn to wait. 

Write the vision that God gave you, learn to focus on its purpose and do not get distracted from what seems good but has nothing to do with what you need. 

God always arrives JUST ON TIME 



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