John 14:21

What would Jesus do? This is a great question that if we had it always pending before any decision, we would avoid so many headaches.

In general, we do what we want, it is heard loudly, but it is so, we say that we believe in God, but when making a decision whatever it may be, we do not ask God.

How many times have we thought that by believing that God is with us (and I am not saying that it is not so), He will support everything we do, this is a mistake, because the fact that God is with us, It does not mean that it will support everything that in our opinion we want to do, its support comes when we do its will.

Today before doing something, first ask God if it is the best and do not be impatient for the answer, remember that patience is an important virtue that will lead you to walk in victory.

God always comes RIGHT ON TIME



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