Matthew 5:33-37

Be careful when you make a promise because many times, we tie ourselves with the sayings of our mouth promising things we cannot fulfill.

Quite often, we talk quickly, promising this or that without knowing how we are going to respond to the matter and end up in trouble. Jesus gave us outstanding advice: “Let your ‘yes’ mean ‘yes’, and your ‘no’ mean ‘no’. Or better yet, do not make a vow or make a promise.”

To promise and not deliver makes us fall into lies and the devil’s snare. Ecclesiastes 5 expresses to us the same thing; “Do not be quick to promise.”

We are being raised in an environment where, to promise, is “our daily bread,” but fulfilling it, is not part of the proposal, and it is here where we fail. We lack credibility, which is something that it is on its way to extinction.

God does not need you to promise to him that you will do something in order for him to perform a miracle on you. The only thing that you need is faith.

God always arrives JUST IN TIME

P. Eliashc

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